Columbia River Spring Run Chinook Salmon Fishing

Things were hectic here in Idaho trying to get everything finalized and ready for launch of the new website. With a super aggressive launch date, we didn’t exactly have free time to do much. Then we got a call from a friend who we consider one of the best salmon Fish Fighters in Washington State, who told us the spring run of salmon was making its way into the Portland area. So we had ourselves a bit of a pickle, keep busting our butts to make sure we hit our target launch, or drop everything and head to The Evergreen State to try our luck at landing some big fish.
We can’t turn down the possibility of great fishing, so we loaded the boat, assembled the Fish Fighter film crew, and we rolled out.
Talk about an incredible drive! The Columbia River Gorge is one of the most beautiful places on earth and luckily pulling a 23’ boat requires a ton of fuel stops, which gave us some time to check out the local spots and shoot some photos.
We stayed in Kalama, WA for the duration of our 7 day trip. Our mornings started at 4:30am every day and we were on the water till 9pm every night. It was super cold in the mornings but warm enough to lose the jacket after the sun came up. We showed up completely ready for the notorious non-stop rain but really lucked out with only a couple drizzles.